Enough Data 5GB+50GB +1Mbps

50GB Добавочный Интернет (2года)

+1Mbps безлимитно

  • KT skylife
  • 4G LTE
  • 100
  • месяц ₩14,300
  • месяц ₩14,300
Зарегистрироваться легко Пройдите все пункты по этапно Смело спрашивайте Не волнуйстесь

Необходимые сведения для регистрации

1. Для регистрации требуется ID карта.

2. необходим номер телефона, зарегистрированный на ваше имя, для проверки личности (номер зарегистрированный на другоге имя не допускается)

3. Ваш личный адрес и адрес доставки сим карты
( можете загрузить фото текста адреса )

4. Необходимые данные при переходе на другой тариф/оператор связи :
+Подключенный оператор связи (SK/KT/LG/알뜰폰(выберите оператора связи)
+ Для определения оператора связи позвоните по номеру 114
+ Способ проверки номера
(Последние 4 цифры СИМ- карты/серийного номера вашего мобильно телефона / Последние 4 цифры банковской карты/банковского счета, с которой пополняли баланс номера /по умолчанию)

5. Для регистрации Лайнфон СИМ-карты:
+ Для автоматического платежа необходима фото банковской книжки на ваше имя.

6. Подтверждение личности:
+ По банковскому счету: отправляется 1₩ с кодом подтверждения
+ Подтверждение через: Naver/PASS/Toss/PAYCO
+ По кредитной карте : (только кредит карта)

7. Ваш контактный номер для доставки и подтверждения регистрации.

Что нужно проверить при регистрации

Terms and conditions of using the rate plan
- Only LTE USIM can be opened, and it can be opened using a mobile phone owned by a customer.
- Basic additional services: U+Zone, U+Box, manner call, mVoip
- U+Zone: A service that allows users to use Wi-Fi anywhere with U+ Wi-Fi router
- U+Box: A secure cloud service that can store and manage data such as all photos and videos of a mobile phone at once
- Manner call: A service that informs you of a phone call when the phone is busy or turned off
- mVoip : Voice and video call service using data

Voice call instructions
- What is wired or wireless?
Wireless/wireless/Internet phone: Free of charge regardless of usage when using normally

* Wireless (010,011,016,017,018,019), wired (region number 02,03X,04X,05X,06X), Internet phone (070)
- Other currencies: Available within the amount of currencies provided below
* Other calls: all calls other than wireless/wireless/Internet phone (national representative number (15XX, 16XX), lifetime personal number (050X), frequency public communication (013), etc.)

If the amount of video/additional calls exceeds the amount of calls provided, it will be charged at the normal rate. (If you use video calls, it will be deducted 1.66 times from the basic amount provided.)
※ However, in order to prevent spam, commercial use, or excessive use, the company may apply normal charges and suspension of use in the following cases.
- If the number of voice calls exceeds 600 minutes a day exceeds 3 times a month (video calls are calculated as 1.66 times the voice)
- If the voice call exceeds 6,000 minutes per month (video call is calculated 1.66 times the voice)
- If the voice/video call destination exceeds 1,000 lines per month (total)

Text message guide
- It is provided by default regardless of business operator.
- However, in order to prevent spam, commercial use, or excessive use, the company may apply normal charges and suspension of use in the following cases.
- If you send more than 150 messages a day more than 10 times a month
- If you send more than 500 messages a day
- If you send a message with more than 2,000 numbers a month
- When sending a message through a system other than a mobile phone
- In the case of violating the terms and conditions of use, such as renting a mobile phone to a third party

- Additional taxes will be charged separately unless there are separate regulations for the monthly (basic fee) and domestic currency fees.
- Base date for calculating the fee, etc. From the 1st of last month to the end of last month
- In the case of opening, termination, temporary suspension, suspension of use, suspension of use, or change of the rate system in the middle of the rate month, it is calculated and applied on a daily basis
- You can check the promotion fee discount details on the website and customer center app from the 15th of the following month.

*Changes the rate plan
- In the case of applying for a change in the rate plan, the changed rate is applied from the date of application for change (however, it cannot be changed again within one month from the date of change of the rate plan)
- If you change to another rate discount plan while using a rate discount applied, you must change/booking on the 1st of every month to apply the normal rate discount
- (If the monthly plan is changed, the discount on the current plan cannot be applied.)
- If there is no separate specification in the plan, basic voice, text, and data calls will be provided only in Korea.
- Currently, 4G (LTE) services may not be available in some regions and will continue to expand.
- The data capacity provided when subscribing to LTE plans and LTE supplementary products is provided according to the scope of each N/W provision without distinction between 3G and 4G (LTE).
  • месяц ₩14,300
  • месяц ₩14,300

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